Giving at Hope Church
Giving is a vital part of our Christian life. We believe that all our possessions are gifts from God and that we are called upon to be good stewards of these gifts. It is our privilege and responsibility to give back some of what we have received to support Christ's work in our church and beyond.
Our giving falls into the categories of Time, Talent and Treasure. Our website contains descriptions of many opportunities to minister with your Time and Talents, and you are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities. The links below specifically address the Treasure aspect of our giving: how to give of our financial resources.
Ways To Give
- As part of our weekly offering by cash or check
- By monthly automatic deduction from your bank account (see Electronic Giving below)
- A gift in your Last Will and Testament
What our gifts support
- The Operating Fund - This pays for the ongoing life, work, ministries and programs of our church. It covers the day-to-day operation of the church (salaries, supplies, heat, electricity, insurance, etc.), as well as our continuing mission programs. Your support of the annual Operating Fund is essential in keeping our current ministries and programs strong and vibrant.
- The Building Fund - This takes care of the basic needs of our church (basic renovations, windows, plumbing, electrical, etc.). Your giving to the annual Capital Fund supports these basic structural needs and keeps our existing building functioning.
- The Endowment fund - This Fund provides an opportunity for members and friends to make special gifts during and at the end of their lifetimes to carry on the future ministry of Hope Church.
Electronic Giving
Ever get to church and realize you forgot your envelope or your checkbook? Or you?re going away for a couple weeks and forget to catch up on your offering? We have come up with a solution so easy and cost effective you will not have to worry about this ever happening to you again.
Electronic Giving is now being offered here at Hope. Just sign up using the Hope Church Electronic Giving Form and choose how often you would like to take the deduction; weekly, bi weekly, or monthly. Costs are minimal ? a onetime annual donation to offset the cost of processing ($15.00 if you choose weekly, $10.00 biweekly, $5.00 monthly). You can choose to give to both the Building Fund and the Operational Fund.
You pay your bills this way, why not GIVE this way? This is a safe and secure way to give. Please download the Electronic Giving Form and sign up today! You can mail your form to church to the attention of Scott Van Bavel, leave the form in his box, or hand in on Sunday.
Your support is deeply appreciated.